Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Purpose of a Prophet

Recently my ward held a Murder Mystery party based on a story from the Book of Mormon. Through the simulation I thought more about prophets and their purpose. Here are some of my thoughts. 

The story we acted out is found in the Book of Helaman  in chapters 7-10. Nephi the prophet was teaching his people about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The people around him are in a state of “awful wickedness.” (Helaman 7:4) Working and living among these people, he had the ability to perform miracles. One of which, was to know the murder plot of the chief judge, Seezrom by his brother Seantum.

Our activity led me to think about the purpose of a prophet.  

  • Is his purpose to know the details of current events? Should the prophet have a daily public briefing where he outlines the corruption of our day and which political leaders to avoid?
  • Is his purpose to condemn the people within his very own society? Is it his responsibility to identify the motives of our civic leaders and steer us to those who will serve us best?
  • Is his purpose to showcase the Priesthood powers he has been given?  Is it his responsibility to show that the Priesthood power is greater than power of the common men around him?

Obviously, the answer to all these questions is no. The purpose of a prophet is none of these things.

Nephi like other people loved the people he served. His whole work was to prepare them to meet God. And the only way we can be prepared to meet God is through receiving the Savior, Jesus Christ, through repentance.

Nephi was given this ability to know this murder plot to help those around him soften their hearts. The miracle was performed to help the people come to Christ and begin preparing to return to the presence of God. Some of their hearts were softened.

We are fortunate to have a prophet today, President Russell M. Nelson. He is not a fortunate teller, or a political analyst. His purpose is not to condemn us. He is a preparer. He prepares us receive the Savior so that we can return to the presence of our Heavenly Father.

I hope not to get lost in the chattering of our day. Instead I hope to listen to the prophet and prepare my heart to continually receive the Savior in order to live with God for forever in peace. Peace is found in following the prophet.

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The Purpose of a Prophet

Recently my ward held a Murder Mystery party based on a story from the Book of Mormon. Through the simulation I thought more about prophets ...